Be Fiscally Sustainable
Provide Essential and Mandated Services
Be Community Focused

There are 4 contributing measures within Crime. Click here to learn about these measures.

There are 4 contributing measures within Crime. Click here to learn about these measures.
An index measure comprised of the following:
- Violent Crime: Measures the violent crime rate of Unincorporated Arapahoe County against the average violent crime rate of the following 8 agencies: Adams County, Jefferson County, Douglas County, Littleton, Englewood, Centennial, Aurora, Denver. Violent Crime refers to the following: murder, non-negligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery and aggravated assaults.
- Burglary: Measures the burglary rate of Unincorporated Arapahoe County against the average burglary rate of the following 8 agencies: Adams County, Jefferson County, Douglas County, Littleton, Englewood, Centennial, Aurora, Denver.
- Larceny: Measures the larceny rate of Unincorporated Arapahoe County against the average larceny rate of the following 8 agencies: Adams County, Jefferson County, Douglas County, Littleton, Englewood, Centennial, Aurora, Denver.
- Motor Vehicle Theft: Measures the motor vehicle theft rate of Unincorporated Arapahoe County against the average motor vehicle theft rate of the following 8 agencies: Adams County, Jefferson County, Douglas County, Littleton, Englewood, Centennial, Aurora, Denver.
Provides an assessment of crime rates of unincorporated Arapahoe County against the crime rates of surrounding jurisdictions.
Medium - While some factors are out of the County's control, Arapahoe County can respond by hiring more officers and/or expanding its community policing efforts.
The Crime measure did not meet its target for 2023 scoring only 3 points out of a possible 4 points. Please review each individual measure component for an analysis of the data for 2023.
Meeting or exceeding target |
Close to target |
Below target |
Data Pending

Contact the Department of Strategy & Performance: [email protected]