Utility Use Contributing Measures
These measures reflect data as of Q3-24.
Utility Use Contributing Measures
These measures reflect data as of Q3-24.
Total electricity usage at Arapahoe County facilities.
12,244,658 kWh
Electric use for Arapahoe County was 10.108,314 kWh for Q3 2024 which is below the target of 12,244,658 kWh giving this measure a green status.
Electric use continues to beat targets due to the work of staff to ensure equipment is running efficiently. While the overall kWh were reduced, the total cost increased by $11,000 compared to 2019 due to increased electric rates. This highlights the importance of continued reductions in energy use.
Total natural gas usage at Arapahoe County facilities.
29,952 MMBtu
Natural gas use for Arapahoe County was 26,034 mmbtu for Q3 2024 which is below the target of 29,952 mmbtu giving this measure a green status.
While gas use was down, rates were higher and therefore overall energy bill for natural gas use was higher. Overall, the County uses very little natural gas for heating our buildings.
Total water usage at Arapahoe County facilities.
47,434 kgals
Water use for Arapahoe County was 31,695 kgals for Q3 2024 which is below the target of 47,434 kgals giving this measure a green status. This performance is consistent with decrease water use seen over previous reporting periods.
Water rates continue to rise leading to increased water utility bills despite a decrease in use.
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