Job Training Effectiveness

Job Training Effectiveness
The average annual earnings of clients of the Arapahoe/Douglas Works! workforce center (AD/Works). The average annual earnings of AD/Works clients are compared to the average annual earnings of all new hires in the area. The average annual earnings of all new hires in the area includes the earnings of Arapahoe/Douglas Works! clients.
Reflects the success of the AD/Works program.
Medium – Both Arapahoe County and Douglas County support and direct the initiatives of the AD/Works program.
In Q3 2023, which is the latest wage data available, 3,443 job seekers registered with Arapahoe/Douglas Works! successfully entered employment at an average annual wage of $61,416. This is down from the prior quarter because inflation rose half a percent (from 3.2% in July to 3.7% in August and September 2023). As of July 2023, the Federal Reserve had raised interest rates the eleventh time since March 2022 in its efforts to combat inflation.
Though new Unemployment Insurance claims stayed flat in Colorado during the third quarter of 2023, hiring slowed as inflation reduced demand for goods and services. It took people a bit longer to find work so while employers were not laying off, continued claims trended up. Slow hiring caused wages at hire to fall substantially from the prior quarter.

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