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Job Training Effectiveness

Job Training Effectiveness

The average annual earnings of clients of the Arapahoe/Douglas Works! workforce center (AD/Works). The average annual earnings of AD/Works clients are compared to the average annual earnings of all new hires in the area. The average annual earnings of all new hires in the area includes the earnings of Arapahoe/Douglas Works! clients.

Reflects the success of the AD/Works program.

Medium – Both Arapahoe County and Douglas County support and direct the initiatives of the AD/Works program.

In the first quarter of 2023, which is the reference period for the latest data on the effectiveness of job training, there were 192,915 unique jobs posted in greater metro Denver, while there were only 51,504 people to fill them. This is a ratio of just over one job seeker for every four job openings. This scarcity drove wages up. The median posted wage during this period was $59,779, while the average new hire wage was a bit lower at $56,412.

This means that for each individual job seeker served through Arapahoe/Douglas Works! annual wages at employment were $7,452 more than the average wage for all new hires. Since 3,047 job seekers served by Arapahoe/Douglas Works! found work during the quarter, $22.7 million in new worker earnings directly attributable to the value of services delivered through Arapahoe/Douglas Works!

Legend: Meeting or exceeding target | Close to target | Below target | Data Pending

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