Economic Opportunity Contributing Measures
These measures reflect data as of Q4-24.

Economic Opportunity Contributing Measures
These measures reflect data as of Q4-24.
Percent of individuals living at or below poverty line.
No more than 9.02% of individuals who live at or below the poverty rate in Arapahoe County.
Percent of individuals ages 25+ with less than a high school diploma.
No more than 7.54% of individuals ages 25+ have less than a high school diploma.
Percent of occupied units paying greater than 30% of household income on rent.
No more than 53.12% of occupied units pay greater than 30% of household income on rent.
Rate of unemployment for individuals age 16+ in the civilian labor force.
No more than 4.46% of individuals age 16+ are unemployed within the civilian labor force.

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