Job Training Effectiveness
Job Training Effectiveness
The average annual earnings of clients of the Arapahoe/Douglas Works! workforce center (AD/Works). The average annual earnings of AD/Works clients are compared to the average annual earnings of all new hires in the area. The average annual earnings of all new hires in the area includes the earnings of Arapahoe/Douglas Works! clients.
Reflects the success of the AD/Works program.
Medium – Both Arapahoe County and Douglas County support and direct the initiatives of the AD/Works program.
In the second quarter of 2023, which is the reference period for the latest data on the effectiveness of job training, 4,120 individuals served through Arapahoe/Douglas Works! found work that paid an average annual salary of $86,830. During this quarter, there was very high demand in greater metro Denver in industries that have high average earnings per employee.
For example, 352 individuals in this group found work in the professional, scientific, and technical sector. The average annual salary in this sector in 2023 was $133,591. For perspective, 40% of total placements were in industries that pay an average annual salary of $86,000 or more. Of the total number of successful exiters during this reference quarter, nearly 28% found work in industries with wages of $117,000 or more.
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