Be Fiscally Sustainable
Provide Essential and Mandated Services
Be Community Focused

Workforce Well-Being Contributing Measures

These measures reflect data as of Q4-24.

Workforce Well-Being Contributing Measures

These measures reflect data as of Q4-24.


Number of opportunities employees have to interact with their wellness plan (ex. Flu shots).

10 opportunities

The County more than doubled the number of opportunities employees have to interact with their wellness plan in 2024, providing 25 opportunities which greatly surpasses the target of 10 opportunities. This measure component is green and will provide 1.0 point to the overall Employee Well-Being measure. 

Some notable touchpoints include the highly successful tobacco cessation program, the total health and total brain assessments, mental health first aid, Homethrive, and many more!


Number of wellness elements within their Wellness Program (ex. Social, Community, Emotional & Spiritual, Financial, Physical, Career). 

6 elements. 

All 6 wellness elements were provided as a part of the Arapahoe County Wellness Program in 2024. This index measure is on target and will contribute 1.0 point to the overall Employee Well-Being measure. 


Percentage of full-time County staff participating in Wellness Program. 

40% staff participation. 

Staff participation in the Arapahoe County Wellness Program increased from 39% to 44% in 2024. This measure component is green based on the evaluation criteria and  contribute 1.0 point to the overall Employee Well-Being measure. 

This increased performance could be due to the change in the discount offered on b-monthly premiums from 2023 to 2024. Rather than a $10 discount, the County now offers a $15 discount on premiums per paycheck. This is an additional $130 in savings for each employee on an annual basis.

Emergency Response Training

Monthly training scenarios conducted at Arapahoe County owned / leased buildings.

12 trainings per year. 

In 2024, 17 emergency response trainings were conducted for staff at several County facilities. This does not account for the trainings that were held separately at the department and office-level. 

17 trainings is greater than the target giving this measure a green status and contributing 1.0 point to the overall Employee Well-Being measure.


Legend: Meeting or exceeding target | Close to target | Below target | Data Pending
Contact the Department of Strategy & Performance: [email protected]