Physical Health
Physical Health
An index measure that gauges the physical health of Arapahoe County residents.
Values for the youth vaping indicator have been revised to account for changes in the calculation method. In past years, values were copied from years when the HKCS was administered to years when it was not. These copied values were then incorporated into the calculation of the target values. Upon review, it was decided that duplicate values should not be included in the target calculations.
Additionally, target calculations now take into consideration data (where available) from the three most recent survey years, as opposed to the methodology of using the average of the most recent five years, which remains applicable to other measures.
These adjustments ensure a more accurate calculation of the youth vaping indicator.
Public health monitors population trends to identify health risks that may require prevention or policy action.
The Public Health Department operates programs to impact these issues and collaborates with partners throughout the county who are also working on improving the physical health of Arapahoe County residents.
The Physical Health met its target in 2021. Please note the data for this measure is 2 years in arrears. Please review each individual measure component for an analysis of the data.
Contact the Department of Strategy & Performance: [email protected]